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Example of using Newton equation to compute sqaure root

2013-11-04 | 333 views
Example of using Newton equation to compute sqaure root

File Size (KB): 57.51 KB
Last Modified: November 28 2020 17:19:50

newtons method, equations, iterative

2013-11-04 | 258 views
newtons method, equations, iterative

File Size (KB): 5.13 KB
Last Modified: November 28 2020 17:19:50

fish dinner

2014-01-05 | 139 views
fish dinner

File Size (KB): 978.73 KB
Last Modified: November 28 2020 17:13:19

New Lavida - Car Model

2014-06-07 | 115 views
New Lavida - Car Model

File Size (KB): 234.75 KB
Last Modified: November 28 2020 17:13:34

king prawn

2014-01-05 | 114 views
king prawn

File Size (KB): 922.09 KB
Last Modified: November 28 2020 17:13:20

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